Setting up your account on the mobile app

From the mobile app, you can add your company details, manage payment methods, and set your customer and product database.

💡 You can change the language of your app by clicking on your company logo and selecting Settings > Language.


Setting up the company profile

Log in to the application and click on your company logo in the top-left corner. A menu will then open, where you should click on Settings and then on Company Profile.



If you have set up a different trading name on the browser version of Zervant, you can also view and edit this trading name on your application. To learn more about managing trading names, click here.


Setting up your payment methods

Log in to the app and click on your company logo in the top-left corner. A menu will then open, where you should click on Settings and then on Payment methods.



Setting up your customer database

Log in to your application and select More (below the three horizontal dots) at the bottom right in the horizontal menu, then choose Contacts. Once on your client list, you'll have the option to search for clients (in red in the image below) or to add new ones (in green in the image below).


When creating a new customer, you will have the option to choose between Business and Individual using the toggle button at the top of the new customer form.


⚠️ You can only add one email address per customer.

To delete a customer, select it and click on the icon with three vertically aligned dots at the top right.

⚠️ Please note that you can only delete a customer if they don't have any paid or unpaid invoices.

It's also possible to import an existing list of customers. To do so, you'll need to log in to the web version of our software on a computer. More information here: Importing multiple customers.


Setting up your product database

Log in to your application and select More (below the three horizontal dots) at the bottom right in the horizontal menu, then choose Products. Once on your list of products, you'll have the option to search for products (highlighted in red in the image below) or to add new ones (highlighted in green in the image below).


If you want to import an existing list of products, you can do so on the browser version of Zervant. More information here: Importing multiple products.


💡 Notes :

You can set invoices settings such as default currency and VAT in your Zervant account on the web version using your computer. For more information: Editing your invoices settings.

You can also add and modify units and VAT percentages on the web browser. For more information: Managing your product list.

You can also export your data from the web version using your computer.


Helpful articles:

Exporting your product list
Exporting your customer list
Exporting invoices or estimates
Exporting multiple invoices at once