Issuing credit notes

A credit note is a document issued by a seller to a buyer. It is issued in the circumstance of a previously issued invoice needing to be eliminated (e.g., in case of damaged goods or errors in issued invoice). A credit note can also be issued if a customer returns goods to you. The balance of payment is then settled by issuing the credit note.

The credit note must show the following information:

  • Reason - why it was issued
  • Total amount credited (excl. VAT %)
  • Number and date of the original VAT invoice

A credit note issued in Zervant lists the products, quantities and agreed prices for products or services the seller invoiced the buyer and are now to be reversed.

In Zervant, you can create a credit note of an invoice marked as Not Paid.


You can create different kinds of credit notes 

1. Credit note for an already existing invoice

2. Partial credit notes

3. Individual credit notes


Credit note for an already existing invoice

  1. Go to the tab >Invoices
  2. Choose the invoice (mark as >Not paid if needed)
  3. On the right side of the screen, click >More >Credit note.

credit note.png

4. Our system automatically fills the information of the original invoice. You can leave a note for your customer in the message field.



5. After approving the credit note, the original invoice and the credit note are automatically marked as paid. The next number in your invoice numbering sequence will be assigned to the credit note.


Please note:

  • It is currently not possible to create credit notes for Custom Payment Schedule invoices
  • If you need to delete a credit note, mark the invoice as Not Paid, then click >More >Delete. ​Once deleted, a credit note cannot be restored or copied as new. However, you can always create a new one from the original invoice.


Partial credit notes

Unfortunately, we do not offer partial credit notes yet meaning you can not change the amount to be credited. However, you have two different option how to do this:

  1. Create a credit note normally to cancel the entire original invoice's amount
  2. Create a new normal invoice with the correct amount
  3. Send the new normal invoice to your customer and explain in the field "Message" the error/mistake in the original invoice. Refund your customer the difference if needed


  • Original invoice 100 EUR, but you wanted to create one for 50 EUR
  • Credit note -100 EUR
  • New invoice 50 EUR

Manual credit notes

In order to create a manual credit note, just create a new invoice and add a hyphen (-) in front of the product total:

1. Go to >Invoices
2. Click on >New Invoice 
3. Select the customer
4. Add an item, that you want to create the credit note for
5. Add a hyphen (-) in front of the product total so that the total is negative
6. Change the Invoice header into "Credit note". Go to the editor on the right, select >Settings and change the Invoice header from "Invoice" to "Credit note"


7. Save the credit note as a draft or preview and approve it.
8. When approving the credit note, please don't forget to adjust the status of the invoice (e.g. mark the credit note as "paid")