Estimate numbering

You can customize your estimate number in Zervant if needed. 

After registering with Zervant, the estimate number for your first estimate is automatically set to 1. The following estimates are then automatically assigned the next number (2, 3, 4, ...).

Changing your estimate number

You can also customize the estimate number by simply entering a different number in the field ''Estimate number'' in the estimate-editor. Only numbers can be used (for example, 1001, 202401, ...). Letters or other characters can't be used. An estimate number also can't begin with 0 (for example, not 001).

estimate numbering.png

If you have set a new estimate number in the estimate-editor and save the estimate only as a draft, the new estimate numbering sequence will not save automatically. Only when you confirm the estimate with the new estimate number, the new numbering sequence will automatically be continued for your next estimates.

Useful tips:

  • You can use a specific estimate number, for example for calendar years, by assigning the desired number to the first estimate of the year (for example 202401).
  • When you convert an estimate into an invoice (available only with a premium subscription), the estimate number will not be transferred as the invoice number. Instead, the invoice will be assigned the next invoice number from your invoice numbering settings. You can learn more about invoice numbering here