Important information, and reminders for the beginning of the year

As 2023 marked a significant evolutionary turning point for our software, 2024 promises to be even more captivating. Without further ado, and to start this new year on the right foot, here are some crucial pieces of information you don't want to miss:

  • End of invoice editing: Starting January 1, 2024, for accounting compliance reasons, any modifications to invoices after their approval will no longer be allowed. We recommend that you carefully check all details before validating the invoice. From then on, you will need to cancel and recreate any incorrect invoices.
    We have prepared a summary article on the topic: Can I edit/delete an invoice?
  • New Mobile App: The new mobile app was launched just before Christmas. This is a significant advancement, allowing us to provide you with an ever more enjoyable experience, and to better contribute to the development of your business.
    Do not hesitate to share your feedback and suggestions. We hope you will like it as much as we do!


And don't forget, as every year:


We are eager to accompany you throughout this year and to offer you an increasingly enriching experience with our software. Do not hesitate to contact our team for any questions or requests for assistance.


Wonderful wishes for 2024!

The Zervant Team