Approving drafts

In Zervant, you have probably noticed that the document you create can go through different status. Below is a little guide to help make a difference between simple drafts and approved documents :


Draft documents

Drafts can be edited as often as needed and deleted.

Edit: If you need to edit your company/payment information, you can do so either through the invoice >Settings in the right panel, or>Save as draft and add the information in >My Account. Please note when updating the information from "My Account", it will not be automatically updated to the draft document: select the draft document again, click >Edit and >Save as draft again to update the information. 

Approve and send: When you feel the draft is ready to be sent, click >Preview to review your invoice and create an official document by clicking >Approve and send. Select from the options how you want to send your invoice.

Delete: To delete a draft, click on >Delete from the tab >Invoice. Please note that a deleted draft cannot be restored.


Approved document

When you create an invoice or estimate, you can choose to approve it right away (without saving it as a draft). 

Create a New invoice and once you are ready, click Preview to review your document. To finalise, click Approve and send and choose from the options how to send your invoice:



- By Email: Send your invoice via email to your customer. There are no limitations on how many email invoices you can send to your customer.

- Download PDF: Your invoice will be created as a PDF and the document will be automatically downloaded to your computer.

- Approve and close: Your invoice will be officially created and the editor will be closed. You can see the official document in your tab >Invoices and e.g., send it later to your customer from there.

- Zervant also offers premium delivery options: send your invoice by post or as an e-invoice.


Once an invoice is approved, the invoice will receive the next invoice number in line with your invoice numbering sequence. The number will be locked and cannot be reused again, even if you later delete the invoice. Additionally, you will no longer be able to edit the invoice once it has been approved.